A nice little write up over at thinkcontra.com, Follow the link here
Check it out here
Toronto Life magazine selected two Pornigami in their 30 must see pieces at The Artist Project Toronto. Check it out here
So proud to announce that I have been selected from hundreds of applicants and awarded one of twelve untapped emerging artist spots at The Artist Project Toronto, taking place March 1-4 at the Queen Elizabeth Building, CNE Grounds, Toronto. This is a must see show, 200 of the countries top artists in one setting. Don’t…
Good art travels fast it seems…. Check out the thinkcontra.com article here
Thanks for checking out the new harv.ca, this site will now be used to display my artwork. If you came here looking for information on my film or music video work please head on over to harveyglazer.com or 235films.com Over the next few weeks I will be launching the initial sale of pornigami prints. Stay…